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E-Commerce website

Successfully Completed a UI Design for a U.S. biggest shopping website. In which infinite peoducts as well as Marchants are available.

LANDING PAGE 1 – 2.png


Food Donation Application UX Research

There is the problem of leftover food and requirement of food donation and sharing platform is there.So that we Ideated a solution for this.

Screenshot (46).png

UI Design for e-commerce application

Completed a Experimental project for E-commerce app and created UI Design. In which we can shop headphones of any brand.

Splash Screen.png
Home Screen.png

Sign up Pages

Completed a Experimental project for sign-up pages using Adobe XD. In which we can create our account with facebook or google.

Sign Up – 1.png
Sign Up.png

Landing Pages for Apple Watch

Completed a Experimental project for Landing Pages using Adobe XD. In which we can explore different types of Apple watches, Ipads, Iphones and Macbooks.

Web 1920 – 2.png
Web 1920 – 1.png
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